Контактные телефоны: | (495) 951-55-65 |
Адреса электронной почты: | ifaran@ifaran.ru |
Должности: | |
Главный научный сотрудник | Лаборатория взаимодействия атмосферы и океана (ЛВАО) |
Заведующий отделом | Отдел динамики атмосферы (ОДА) |
Born 23 Jan 1935 in Moscow. 09.1952 – 01.1958 education at Dept. of Physics, Moscow State University. Since 01.02.1958 Institute of Atmospheric Physics, RAS, from junior researcher to its Director, 1990 to 2008. Research directions: magnetary dynamics general and ionospheric applications, propagation of signals through turbulence, theory of similarity for general circulation of planetary atmospheres, convection theory including rotation, dust storms at Mars as an analogy of “nuclear winter”, theory of intense atmospheric and oceanic vortices, development at the Institute gas and aerosol monitoring systems, initiation of TROICA Project with P. Crutzen (1995 – 2014), use of probability laws by A. N. Kolmogorov and his school to explain empirical statistical laws for earthquakes, oceanic wind waves and several other phenomena (e. g planetary surface relief, etc.).
Major international committees, commissions, boards, etc. IUGG commissions: upper atmosphere, dynamical meteorology. World Climate Research Programs: member of its Scientific Committee, 1982 – 1987 and 1992 – 1997.
UN Group of experts for uation of Climatic and other Global Consequences of a large-scale Nuclear War (1987 – 1988).
International Institute of Applied System Analysis: chairman of its Governing Council, 1992 – 1997.
Major awards:
1979 Academy of Sciences, USSR, corresponding Member, election.
1987 Full Member, election.
1999 Academy Europeae, election.
2005 IUGG, Alfred Wegener Medal and Honorary Fellow of European Earth Sciences Union.
2011 Honorary Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society.
2019 Large Gold M. V. Lomonosov Medal, Russian Academy of Sciences in parallel with P. Crutzen.
Books :
1. Golitsyn G.S. An Introduction into Dynamics of Planetary Atmospheres. 1973. NASA transl. TTF-15, 627, Dec. 1974.
2. Budyko M.I., Golitsyn G.S., Israel Y.A.. Global Climatic Catastrophes . Springer, 1987.
3. Golitsyn G.S. and Smirnov V.V. (Eds.): Joint Soviet-American experiment on arid aerosol , St. Petersburg, Hydrometeoizdat,1993.
4. Boubnov B.M., Golitsyn G.S. Convection in Rotating Fluid . Cluwer, 1995.
5. Golitsyn G.S. Dynamics of Natural Phenomena: Climate, Planetary Atmospheres, Convection, Wave and Random Processes M.: FIZMATLIT, 2004. (in russian)
6. Golitsyn G.S. Statistics and Dynamics of Natural Processes and Phenomena Methods, Tools, Results . Moscow: KRASAND, 2013. (in russian)
Исследование динамики волновых и обменных процессов в атмосфере