WAVACS-COST winter school: Water vapor in the climate system, 6-12 February 2011, Venice, Italy

WAVACS-COST winter school: Water vapor in the climate system
6-12 February 2011, Venice, Italy

The goal of this school is to provide a detailed view on the current knowledge on observations and
simulations of the climatic processes related to atmospheric water vapour. This one week course is
aimed primarely at PhD students, postdocs and other young scientists wishing to broaden and
deepen their knowledge or to identify new research opportunities.
The winter school is a follow-up of the Cargese International school proposing practical sessions
that will include group activities on pedagogical exercises addressing open issues in current
research. Poster sessions animated by the students and 2 Science Cafés will be held to promote
discussion among participants.
Audience is limited to around 40 trainees to have efficient practical sessions.
There is no charge for registering to attend the school and 28 grants to cover shared lodge, meals
and local transportation are available.


S. Buhler (Univ. Lulea, Kiruna, Sweden)
C. Cagnazzo (CMCC, Bologna, Italy)
C. Carraro (Ca' Foscari Univ., Venice, Italy) *
F. Fierli (CNR, Bologna, Italy)
P. Forster (Univ. Leeds, United Kingdom)
A. Gettelman (NCAR, Boulder, US)
W. Lahoz (NILU, Oslo, Norway)
B. Legras (LMD/IPSL, France)
A. Navarra (CMCC-INGV, Bologna, Italy)
T. Peter (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland) *
C. Schiller (FZ, Julich, Germany)
B. Soden (U. Miami, United States)
G. Stephens (CIRA/U Colorado, United States)
(*) To be confirmed

Important dates:

October 15 2010: Deadline for applications and travel support request
End October 2010: Notification of acceptance
November 15 2010: Deadline for block booking
February 6-12 2011: School

Information and Registration:
School website: http://www.isac.cnr.it/wavacs/school-2011

Apologies for any cross-posting and hoping to see you in Venice,

On behalf of the organizers,

Federico Fierli

Institute for Atmospheric Sciences and Climate

National Research Council

Via Gobetti 101, Bologna, I-40139
Tel. 0039 051 6399602
Fax. 0039 051 6399658
f dot fierli at isac.cnr.it