QUARCCS Workshop

Venue: IAP RAS-Moscow

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Wednesday, 06 June 2018

Arrival in Moscow

Thursday, 07 June 2018


I.I. Mokhov (QUARCCS PI from Russia and moderator of sections)

10:10-10:20General information about the Institute

V.A. Semenov (Deputy Director IAP RAS)

10:20-10:35Introduction of CATS project

V. Ivanov, H.Kassens

10:35-10:50WP1- AWI-AC: Activity Report

A.Schulzet al.

10:50-11:05WP1- AWI-AC: Local effects on Svalbard temperature trends

M. Maturilliet al.

11:05-11:25WP1- AWI-SP: Winter ice dynamics preconditioning summer ice extent:
Findings from models, satellites and observations

T. Krumpen et al.


13:15-13:30WP1- AWI-AC: Seasonal and interannual variability of sea ice thickness on Siberian shelves
from satellites and moored sonars

J. Belteret al.

13:30-13:50WP1-AARI: Observed atmospheric and sea-ice changes and feedbacks:
Svalbard area and Euarasian Arctic - in situ observations and ice charting.

B. Ivanov, V. Smolyanitsky, T. Alekseeva

13:50-14:10Discussion WP1

14:10-14:30WP2- AWI-AC: Evaluation of simulated low September sea ice extent years

X. Yu et al.

14:30-14:45WP2- AWI-AC: Simulated sea ice melt in summer and related atmospheric circulation patterns

A. Rinke et al.

14:45-15:00WP2-AARI: Sea-ice dynamics: drift and deformation based on SAR-derived data.

D. Demchev, S. Klyachkin

15:00-15:20Discussion WP2

15:20-15:50Coffee break

15:50-16:10WP3- AWI-AC: Atmospheric circulation changes in the North Atlantic and Eurasian sector
related to diabatic processes and the interaction between waves and mean flow

R.Jaiser et al.

16:10-16:25WP3- AWI-AC: The role of synoptic-planetary wave interactions for the linkage between
Arctic climate change and mid-latitude atmospheric circulation changes

D. Handorf

16:25-16:40WP3- IAPRAS: Characteristics of winter surface air temperature anomalies in Moscow in 1970–2016
under conditions of reduced sea ice area in the Barents Sea

K.A. Shukurov, V.A. Semenov

16:40-16:55WP3- IAPRAS: Comparison of temperature and circulation changes
during the Early Century Warming and present warming periods

D.D. Bokuchava, V.A. Semenov, V.V. Popova

16:55-17:10WP3- IAPRAS: Atmospheric blockings and their influence on weather anomalies in reanalyses and climate models

A.V. Timazhev, I.I. Mokhov

17:10-17:25Discussion WP3

19:00- Dinner in Moscow (covered by IAP RAS)

Friday, 08 June 2018


A. Rinke (QUARCCS PI from Germany and moderator of sections)

10:10-10:25WP4- IAPRAS: Cyclone activity in the Arctic from reanalyses and regional model simulations

M.Akperov et al.

10:25-10:40WP4- IAPRAS: Transit navigation through Northern Sea Route from satellite data and CMIP5 simulations

V. Khon, I.I. Mokhov and V.A. Semenov

10:40-11:00WP4-AARI: Retrospective modelling of sea ice dynamics and quantification of navigation risks.

S. Klyachkin, D. Demchev, V. Smolyanitsky

11:00-11:15WP4- IAPRAS: Cloud cover and cloud types in the Russian Arctic 1936–2013


11:15-11:30WP4- IAPRAS: Helicity dynamics of Polar Lows

N.V. Vazaeva, O.G. Chkhetiani, M.V. Kurgansky and L.O. Maximenkov


13:00-13:15WP4- IAPRAS: Arctic wind-wave activity in the 21st century from ensemble of CMIP5 models

F. Pogarskiy and V. Khon

13:15-13:30Discussion WP4

13:30-13:45WP5- AWI-PBO-IORAS: Zooplankton studies in ice-covered seas: new optical methods and traditional net sampling

B. Niehoff, N. Hildebrandt and K Kosobokova

13:45-14:00WP5- IORAS-AWI-PBO: Comparison of the zooplankton diversity under different ice conditions
in the central deep Arctic Ocean in 1990-s and 2000-s

K. Kosobokova , E. Ershova

14:00-14:15WP5- IORAS: Results of the study of marine viruses in the sea-ice in the North Pole region

A. Sazhin, N. Romanova

14:15-14:30Discussion WP5

14:30-15:00Coffee break

15:00- General discussion of WPs, Date of next project meeting, exchange of PhD

students/PostDocs/others and other project related questions

Saturday, 09 June 2018

